Professional Engineers Ontario Simcoe-Muskoka CHapter

Common Questions

...information you need about your profession.

Know a student starting a University Degree in Engineering ?

About the Chapter

...and why we exist.

PEO is divided into 5 Regional Congress Committees formed out of delegates from 36 Chapters. The Simcoe-Muskoka Chapter falls within the East Central Region along with the following chapters: East Toronto, Lake Ontario, Scarborough, Willowdale/Thornhill and York. Chapters exists to serve five essential purposes: Presence, Communications, Grassroots Participation, Recognition and Governance.

  • 1493 Licensed Engineers (89%)

  • 187 Engineering Interns (11%)

Board of Directors

...engineers volunteering in the Simcoe-Muskoka Community


Register today!

Engage with your Profession. Change your community.

Chapter News

...what's happening in Simcoe-Muskoka

Get in Touch

Got questions? Have an idea for a great Chapter Event? Reach out to us today!